The North Central Idaho Speakers Bureau is funded by Nez Perce County Historical Society along with grants from the Idaho State Historical Society and the Lewis and Clark Trail Alliance.
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North-Central Idaho Speakers Bureau
Since 1961, the Nez Perce County Historical Society has worked to preserve the history of Nez Perce County and help educate the local community and visitors though museum exhibits, publishing journals, historic photo calendars, and through lectures and presentations.
With help from the Idaho Governor's Lewis and Clark Trail Committee Grant of 2020 we are proud to present the North-Central Idaho Speakers Bureau. This speakers bureau extends to northern and central Idaho counties with help from generous speakers to help preserve and articulate the history of Idaho. Select counties consist of Boundary, Bonner, Benewah, Clearwater, Latah, Lewis, Kootenai, Nez Perce, Shoshone, and Idaho County. This includes towns in the Lewis-Clark Valley including Asotin County. Other locations not mentioned must be approved by the speaker and museum.
To Apply for a Speaker, please Read Terms and Conditions.